Saturday, August 31, 2019

Medical History and Online Clinic Management Essay

This section presents foreign related literatures relevant to the proposed system.   Computers are being employed in clinical medicine in hospitals for various purposes. They can act as arithmetic calculators, they can process and analysed output from the recording devices, and they can make possible the automation of various machine systems. However, in the field of case records their role is much less well defined, for here the organization of data as preliminary to computer input is the real stumbling-block. Data banks of retrospective selected clinical information have been in operation in some canters for the number of years. Attempts are now being made to design computerized â€Å"total information systems† to replace conventional paper records, and the possibility of automated diagnosis. Golla (2007) stated that record keeping is an organized way of storing valuable information about certain persons handling of such records the proposed system includes all the important records that are organize and place on the system database that are subjectively relating to the transaction of the hospital. According to Nanda (2006), the present situation of healthcare in developing countries like India are quite discouraging, as the physicians use a paper based system whereby they record patient information, diagnosis and treatments on a â€Å"Case Sheet†. Abdul (2008) mentions that each time a patient visits a hospital, a new case sheet is created, and this creates an excess of paperwork, repetition of examination done previously leading to over-consumption of work force and other resources. In India, the case sheet is an official and legal document written by healthcare staff about all the medical information of a patient. It includes past medical history, present complaints, results of examinations done, diagnosis and treatment and the condition of these medical records in public hospitals in quite disappointing. This situation is due to reluctant hospital administration or inefficient medical record staff and it is increasing constantly by the year. Abdul (2008) indicates th at one of the important issues in paper-based records are, all the clinical information is written in free style, and chances are high to miss or forget some important information, as this will lead to serious effect on patient’s treatment and care. The case sheet is a hard copy that can be accessed by one person at a time and needs physical transfer for other physicians to access. Retrieving a record will be a hard task given number of medical records present and missing a record won’t be a surprise in a huge pile of paper based medical records. Moreover, with time, information in paper records gets diminished of ageing paper and ink, even fire accidents or natural disasters can ruin the archive of paper records. Karim (2008) explains that all the above discussed issues can be over-come by implementing EMR/EPR systems, it can not only solve the problems but also improves the efficiency of healthcare by increasing accessibility, and needs less resources to maintain records. EPR system can be used as a resource of researchers, it will be a tool for disease surveillance, which can be used for public health initiatives and for practicing Evidence based medicine. â€Å"It is nearly impossible to overemphasize the importance of keeping inventory levels under control,† Ronald Pachura wrote in an article for IIE Solutions. â€Å"Whether the problems incurred are caused by carrying too little or too much inventory, manufacturers need to become aware that inventory control is not just a materials management or warehouse department issue. The purchasing, receiving, engineering, manufacturing, and accounting departments all contribute to the accuracy of the inventory methods and records.† It is little wonder that business experts commonly cite inventory management as a vital element that can spell the difference between success and failure in today’s keenly competitive business world. Writing in Production and Inventory Management Journal, Godwin Udo described telecommunications technology as a critical organizational asset that can help a company realize important competitive gains in the area of inventory management. According to Udo, companies that make good use of this technology are far better equipped to succeed than those who rely on outdated or unwieldy methods of inventory control. Automation can draidatically affect all phases of inventory management, including counting and monitoring of inventory items; recording and retrieval of item storage locations; recording changes to inventory; and anticipating inventory needs, including inventory handling requirements. Local Literature This section presents local related literatures relevant to the proposed system. Technology has taken a big leap forward in 21st century, with computer programs, electronics upgrading by the month & even by the day. Technology has influenced & greatly simplified almost in every aspect of a student’s life today. â€Å"Having computers in the workplace has enable the business to our more efficiently and has contributed in having on all around better businesses, using computers cut down our work time, we don’t have to write everything out by hands or type out on typewriters. This increase in usage of computer proves that computers have affected every aspect of our lives and have become one of the necessities. Many developers have contributed to such an advancement and widespread of computer technology.† stated Magnaye(2010). In the modern world, any business firm or any organization, without IT is totally unable to cope up or run their business firm smoothly. Without IT, a firm is considered out of the world. Azhar (2012) states that an IT can consider as an asset for a firm. It not only makes easier our day to day activities, but also adds many benefits and enables a firm to give better services to its consumers. For any kind of business organization, in its IT sector the most important part is database software. Database software could help a firm in many ways. Local Studies This section presents local studies conducted around the country that is relevant to proposed system. The researchers from Adamson University created a system entitled Computerized Patient’s Medical History. This system provides the record-keeping aspect of the patient’s information based on the registration of patient, recording of patients’ additional information which includes patients’ family medical history on hereditary illness, medicinal allergies, medications and immunization. The medical treatment conducted by the physician and all the prescriptions. Reports generated will be the medical record itself which includes all the information from previous treatment and prescriptions up to present. The master list of the patient’s and the physician will also be supplied by the system. Cruz (1990) stated that this computerized medical history system is conducted to provide all the solution to the problems that many physicians encountered. It will h elp the medical record officers in making their jobs easier, for the reason that it will be less time consuming, records can be retrieved easily and the most important, is the medical history of patients’ will be accurate and efficient. This system is very user-friendly to the people who are responsible for that. A user could perform it without the assistance of others. According to Sy(2009), In today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s institutions still do not adapt the high technology. Particularly in most medical clinic facilities, daily clinic transactions are still done on paper. We all know that modern clinics are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many patients as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has grown and various medical cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’ records, prescriptions, billing and appointment schedule, is no longer practical. In his study, he hope to develop a web-based application that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of patients served – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. The general objective of his study is to design and develop an online clinic management solution that will serve as proposal to help doctors save time and resources with the automation of its daily clinic operations. In general, the focus of the study is directed towards the design and development of an online clinic management system. About five small to medium sized medical clinics with its doctors, staff and patients are randomly selected within Cebu area only from December 2007 to January 2008. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents. In the proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for accessibility and portability. However, the proponents limit the online feature of the system to doctors and staff only. Web-access of the patients is not included. The system has a secure log-in for doctors and staff. Managing appointments is also integrated and billing statements and official receipts are automated as well as medical prescriptions and medical. According to Sy (2009), In today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s institutions still do not adapt the high technology. Particularly in most medical clinic facilities, daily clinic transactions are still done on paper. We all know that modern clinics are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many patients as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has grown and various medical cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’ records, prescriptions, billing and appointment schedule, is no longer practical. In his study, he hope to develop a web-based application that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of patients served – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. The general objective of his study is to design and develop an online clinic management solution that will serve as proposal to help doctors save time and resources with the automation of its daily clinic operations. In general, the focus of the study is directed towards the design and development of an online clinic management system. About five small to medium sized medical clinics with its doctors, staff and patients are randomly selected within Cebu area only from December 2007 to January 2008. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents. In the proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for accessibility and portability. However, the proponents limit the online feature of the system to doctors and staff only. Web-access of the patients is not included. The system has a secure log-in for doctors and staff. Managing appointments is also integrated and billing statements and official receipts are automated as well as medical prescriptions and medical certificates. The proponents have used the Descriptive Research Method wherein the study is focused on present situations. Under the Descriptive Research Method, the technique used is the Survey Method, which is otherwise known as normative survey. The results and findings of the study should always be compared with the standards. The proponents have used the Descriptive Research Method wherein the study is focused on present situations. Under the Descriptive Research Method, the technique used is the Survey Method, which is otherwise known as normative survey. The results and findings of the study should always be compared with the standards. Foreign Studies This section presents foreign studies conducted across the country that is relevant to proposed system. According to Mak(2012), a major challenge in designing useful clinical information systems in dentistry is to incorporate clinical evidence based on dentists’ information needs and then integrate the system seamlessly into the complex clinical workflow. However, little is known about the actual information needs of dentists during treatment sessions. The purpose of the study is to identify general dentists’ information needs and the information sources they use to meet those needs in clinical settings so as to inform the design of dental information systems. A semi-structured interview was conducted with a convenience sample of 18 general dentists in the Pittsburgh area during clinical hours. One hundred and five patient cases were reported by these dentists. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis with a constant comparative method to id entify categories and themes regarding information needs and information source use patterns. Two top-level categories of information needs were identified: foreground and background information needs. To meet these needs, dentists used four types of information sources: clinical information/tasks, administrative tasks, patient education and professional development. Major themes of dentists’ unmet information needs include: (1) timely access to information on various subjects; (2) better visual representations of dental problems; (3) access to patient-specific evidence-based information; and (4) accurate, complete and consistent documentation of patient records. Resource use patterns include: (1) dentists’ information needs matched information source use; (2) little use of electronic sources took place during treatment; (3) source use depended on the nature and complexity of the dental problems; and (4) dentists routinely practiced cross-referencing to verify patient information. To conclude, Dentists have various information needs at the point of care. Among them, the needs for better visual representation and patient-specific evidence-based information are mostly unmet. While patient records and support staff remain the most used information sources, electronic sources other than electronic dental records (EDR) are rarely utilized during patient visits. For future development of dental information or clinical decision-support systems, developers should consider integrating high-quality, up-to-date clinical evidence into comprehensive and easily accessible EDRs as well as supporting dentists’ resource use patterns as identified in the study. References: Azhar, R. (2012). â€Å"Hotel Database System†. From Banayat, I.R. (2010). â€Å"Foreign and Local Literature About Sales and Inventory System.† From Cruz, R.M. (1999). â€Å"Computerized Patients’ Medical History† Sy, M.C. (2009). â€Å"Thesis-Chapter-1†from â€Å"Patient Information and Billing System† from â€Å"Indian Electronic Patient Record System†. From

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Essay

Successful Marriage l: Biography Looked upon as being one of the most influential and popular writers during the romantic period, Jane Austen published many romance novels, such as her most famous, Pride and Prejudice. Austen focused her writings on the importance of â€Å"romantic love as a true happiness to marriage† (Olsen 426). Having not experienced marriage, Jane often based her stories off of her familys romance. Jane was born into a middle class family with very little income; Jane used her lack of money to inspire new novels. She mainly focused her novels over social standings and how love is haracterized as true happiness. Her focus on love began when her siblings married for money rather than love. Austen strived to fix the many family issues by creating â€Å"fairy tale stories† ending â€Å"happily with the heroines marrying the men they loved† (Ruth 50). Jane Austen wrote her novels around the controversy of whether love should be based upon increasing one’s â€Å"social status† or â€Å"falling in love† (Bernard 34). Jane creates romance novels to replace the love that’s missing in her life. From growing up in a poor family Jane rarely received the opportunity to find love and arry a suitable husband, giving her thoughts and dreams of what her life would be like if she found marriage through love. Austen’s novels portray that marriage shouldn’t be based upon personal wishes such as money or class, but for one to be happy one should find love. In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, the author shows that despite social pressure, for a marriage to be successful it must be based upon love. II: Pride and Prejudice The novel Pride and Prejudice is surrounded with young couples and the issue of marriage through social class and public opinion. Many critics follow Jane Austen’s heme that love builds to create a happy successful marriage. The critic Bilal Hasan follows Austen’s theme and supports the theory that one shouldn’t marry for money if they plan on being happy. Also, he believes that â€Å"through their relationship Jane Austen shows that a hasty marriage based on superficial qualities looks and leads to unhappiness† (Hasan). Both supporting Jane’s theme over happy marriage, the critic Rachel Davies uses the qualities of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s love to show a successful marriage. â€Å"Darcy and Elizabeth’s love is genuine, existing despite social arriers† (Davies). Davies relates Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage to the marriage of Charlotte and Mr. Collins, comparing that due to the burden Charlotte held on her family, she created a limit to finding love. Charlotte became a â€Å"burden to her family’ when she became the age not very few men adored to marry; she hadn’t found love and caused her to marry for money (Olsen 425). Austen chooses to influence all the characters to show their struggles between them, providing that they all come to the reality that â€Å"without money, it is probable marriage will not happen† (Disney). Many focus on the differences in financial status when finding marriage. A woman who is a burden would more like to marry a man of wealthy class without caring whether she was in love. The character Elizabeth Bennet money. Jane Austen writes that for a man to best show his love for a woman, he would ask for her hand in the next dance at the ball. Money divides real love and incites false love initially in Pride and Prejudice. Love is shown to demolish the seeming impossibility of Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage† (Davies). She does believe that there is a relation between love and money in marriage. Money to some she believes, can buy happiness, but love overpowers money and creates a strong everlasting bond in a marriage, while money can be lost. An example would be â€Å"when Darcy pays Wickham to marry Lydia, thus giving Elizabeth feelings towards Darcy for caring for her family’ (Davies). Austen herself faced the issues of money on marriage, creating a similar character named Charlotte. Despite that Austen never was forced to choose to marry for money instead of love; Jane created Charlotte in comparison how they both became a burden to their families. Charlotte later in Pride and Prejudice marries Mr. Collins, only to simply please her parents and â€Å"secure herself financially’, creating an unhappy marriage and making them â€Å"the darkest note in the novel† (Paris 34). By choosing to marry Mr. Collins, Charlotte increased her social status by removing herself from a burden to her family any longer. People cannot always fall in love where they choose, but their choice of a marriage partner should not be governed primarily by concerns for money or status† (Paris 34). Both critics Davies and Hasan support Jane’s theme, that love is the key to a successful happy marriage. Hasty marriages acting on impulse and based on superficial qualitie s will not survive and will lead to unhappiness† (Hasan). Davies continues to discuss the importance of marriage based upon love, yet also follows that money contributes to creating a happy marriage. There are very few critics who can argue that Austen doesn’t show that love creates a bond for successful marriage. Yet at the same time, arguing with her opinion, Jane states that money is also important in finding marriage. â€Å"Neither Elizabeth nor Colonel Fitzwilliam would marry for money, but they must hope to fall n love with someone who has money’ (Paris 34). Many women during the eighteenth century didn’t receive any of their familys money or dowries after the death of their father. Having no money caused many to search for a suitable wealthy husband, with the small hope of finding love in the process. The critic Katie Disney argues that Austen does not suggest the theme that love is the most important, but â€Å"shows her obvious unhappiness with the way marriages work† (Disney). The conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet shows their desire to quickly marry their five daughters to rich well-known men. With higher class came the responsibility to find a wife similar to their class and share the wealth among their families. â€Å"It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife† (Austen 1). Jane makes clear that wealthy men of a higher class sought to find a bride similar to them. Yet, Jane contradicts her belief by making Mr. Darcy fall in love with Elizabeth Bennet, a lower middle class woman: â€Å"He is so much in love, however, that he decides to make a social sacrifice for the sake of personal satisfaction† (Paris 35). To most, money is seen as a necessary possession, but also is used to secure ones financial future: â€Å"Money in Pride and Prejudice is used to buy one’s way, or marry one’s way, to a higher social rank† (Copeland 74). There is no ruling that marriage should be solely founded either on love or money. Women are seen as the main audience of Pride and Prejudice, and as we grow up, we become planted with the notion of â€Å"ending happily ever after. † Love is always a major theme in every fairy tale; either a prince rescues the princess and they fall madly in love or the girl finds her true love and is destined to live a happy life. The novel Pride and Prejudice is seen by many as one of the most famous fairy tales. Jane Austen creates the novel based upon her dreams of what her life could be. A fairy tale doesn’t always consist of witches and dragons, yet Austen creates characters who share similar characteristics. The character Lady Catherine shares the qualities of an evil witch who wishes happiness for none but herself. Austen creates Lady Catherine as a wealthy woman of high society who looks down to everyone, believing that marriage should remain within the family and love is unimportant. Pride and Prejudice can be related to a fairy tale not only for its characters but for its happy ending. The novel can be compared to one of the most known fairy tales, Cinderella. Mr. Darcy is the wealthy sophisticated prince who falls in love with the maiden, Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth fantasizes of one day finding the man of her dreams. Another comparison to Cinderella would be that Elizabeth as well as Cinderella is first introduced to her future husband at a ball. Also, both female characters at first play hard to get. In the beginning Elizabeth is disgusted by Mr. Darcy and his arrogance towards those of lower class. Social status was important in the eighteenth century; many women were born into lower class but were not accepted into society unless they married a wealthy man. Yet, in the end Elizabeth falls madly in love with Darcy and of course they live â€Å"happily ever after† Just like in a fairy tale. Even in animated movies today such as Shrek, the fairy tale romance of living happily ever after exists. The main character Shrek, in this movie is in much relation to Elizabeth due to their social standings. Both have little to offer for those of higher class such as Darcy or Fiona. Despite the fact that she is also an ogre, Fiona is the daughter of the King and Queen. Even though their social standards are very different they are able to overcome this because of their strong love they have for each other. In the end of the movie, Shrek leaves the audience with the allusion of this couple living happily ever after. Not everyone searches for love and many don’t believe they will every fall in love. Often we wonder if love can truly be the answer to one’s happiness. In many ways love is unknown, but we must open our heart to possible opportunities. Yes fairy tales can be thought of as make believe, but they also provide a base for a life e can all hope and dream about. Like Pride and Prejudice all of Jane Austen’s novels follow the theme of love conquering all. Austen created her novels based upon the dreams and life she never had. Much like her characters, Austen dreamed of falling madly in love and living happily ever after. All of Austen’s books leave female readers with the hope of finding their true soul mate. Reading a Jane Austen novel is a way to escape everyday pressures and explore a world of love and passion. Many couples today must overcome the obstacles of social pressure and money; however successful marriages are based upon love.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Legal Issues in the Criminal Justice Administration Research Paper

Legal Issues in the Criminal Justice Administration - Research Paper Example Eventually, they credited her good work in the sexual assault unit and considered as â€Å"one of the boys.† Officer Rowdy uses colorful language when dealing with fellow officers. One day, following a brutal child sexual assault investigation, she joined with fellow officers to the bar and got pretty drunk. The males called Rowdy a â€Å"jap† and laughing about J-date and in returned, Rowdy joked about circumcised versus uncircumcised males. She seemed not offended. Rowdy’s immediate supervisor was with them and he blatantly told her that she can be promoted as a detective provided she will do something sexual for him. Offended, she called him several derogatory names and he left her alone, but not before he called her a â€Å"disgusting Jew.† A week later, a neighbour of the bar where the officers were drinking reported to the Sheriff that her officers were an embarrassment to the town and that there was one female officer who was particularly offensive because she was using foul language and telling sexually explicit jokes with the male officers. The Sheriff called Rowdy’s attention and investigated her about the incident. The Sheriff apparently considered her for the detective division but professed having second thought as complaint was mounted. Rowdy explicated that she endured verbal abuse from her fellows and perceived that she tolerated it so that she will not get fired. She related the supervisor’s offer of a promotion and the offensive Jewish jokes she’s had to put up since starting the job. She does not want to lose her job and don’t want to alienate fellow officers as they might retaliate and shun her again. She asked if this incident happened because of her Jewish religious practic e which has become a subject of amusement for fellow officers. c. If she disciplines Officer Rowdy for her behaviour in the bar to satisfy the citizen complaint, will she have a legitimate claim against the Sheriff? If she is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Statements on Historical American Events Statement

Statements on Historical American Events - Personal Statement Example The corporations started accumulating large reserves and issuing new stocks and this contributed to the stock market crash. The government has undertaken measures to restructure the corporate world through ensuring corporations are run by hired management and ensuring ordinary citizens have a chance of owning a stake through buying shares in listed companies (Zakim and Kornblith 78). The capitalism influence has been curtailed by organized labor since trade unions bargain for minimum wages and better welfare of workers. This has been occasioned by various laws that govern employment practices and more enlightened workforce. The American capitalism has transformed to cater for all stakeholders in the economy including shareholders, employees, lenders, suppliers, government, and society. The management is responsible for ensuring efficiency and balancing the competing interests of various interested groups such as shareholders and employees. The modern management practices have a sense of responsibility towards the society and general public and companies avoid activities that may harm the environment such as pollution. Accordingly, various laws aim at enhancing perfect competition and limiting the influence of cartels and monopolies. Although the recent financial crisis identified some loopholes in corporate governance, measures have been undertaken to ensure that capitalism promotes ownership of property, good business governance and social responsibility. Capitalism has not hindered the freedoms enjoyed by the citizens. The scope of government is limited in a free market economy and its primary roles include safeguarding private contracts, ensuring law and order and fostering competitive markets. The government is also diversified since state governments provide basic amenities such as schools and sewage disposal depending on their by-laws and thus ensuring

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Risks of being Dissertation

Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Risks of being non-CSR Entity - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that the expansive literature on the topic of CSR comprises various definitions and explanations of the construct. For instance, the European Commission defines the concept of corporate governance as â€Å"A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis.† In addition to that, a generally understood and applied definition in the management literature is expounded by Davis by defining CSR as â€Å" the firm’s considerations of, and response to, issues beyond the narrow economic, technical, and legal requirements of the firm to accomplish social and environmental benefits along with the traditional economic gains which the firm seeks.† Moreover, there are other terms similar to the construct of the CSR including â€Å"corporate sustainability†, which focuses on long-run shareholder value by including principles particularly in nine other areas: governance, ethics, transparency, financial return, business relationships, community involvement, employment practices, environmental protection and product value. As a result, the activities attached with the concept of corporate sustainability remain largely analogous to the basic contents of the CSR. The CSR is an amalgamation of a number of corporate activities focusing on the welfare of stakeholder groups other than investors, such as suppliers, employees, charitable and community organizations and customers. One significant segment of CSR activities consists of corporate donations or contributions of products or cash to community and charitable organizations. For instance, Whirlpool Corporation (2010) arranged and donated a refrigerator to every home built by the Habitat for Humanity particularly in the affected areas of North America. Moreover, employees are also significant stakeholders for the companies. Companies carry out cert ain employee welfare related initiatives on a voluntary basis. Employee welfare includes initiatives from the facility of educational advantages to health care issues including providing them on site health clinics, wellness classes, fitness centres focusing on the issues such as work related stress management. Workplace safety has also become a critically significant factor of employee welfare; many companies have developed and established codes of conduct for employee safety and welfare and to their suppliers as well. Companies’ CSR activities also emphasis on meeting and fulfilling customer desires including protecting future generations. They intend to develop and sell such innovative products and services that appeal to customers’ environmental concerns via diminishing harmful product packaging and making it more durable and sustainable as well. Other CSR activities encompass â€Å"green† development and production practices and services, such as reducing e missions, conserving energy, reducing packaging materials, employing recycled materials, and sourcing materials from the suppliers located close to manufacturing installations. In this regard, Sony (2010) manages the harmful impacts of its greenhouse gas emissions by installing for carbon dioxide emissions from shipping, production, storage and other product use activities. Furthermore, companies often get involved with customers and vendors in their efforts to reduce their footprint and increase their environmental efforts. In this regard, Wal-Mart (2006) developed and announced a program measuring suppliers on their ability to diminish packing; and along with a goal of reducing up to 5 percent of total packing during the period 2008 to 2013. Why do firms involve in CSR activities? There remain various reasons underlying organization’s inclinations to get involved in socially responsible endeavours. First, organizations may prefer to remain

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ethical Decision Making in Business Research Paper

Ethical Decision Making in Business - Research Paper Example It is not easy to create a business atmosphere that is ethically accepted. Companies often incur incredible amount of time and resources training the executive and employees in an effort to creating business ethics. Moreover, decisions made by the company may rarely be taken positively by the employees or even the executive in the implementation process. Fighting this negativity reaction may be a stumbling block to effective implementation of business ethics. Body Companies may implement other methods of educating the employees on matters concerning decision making in the business ethical environment. This method of training includes workshops and professional courses meant at educating workers on ethical decision making process. In addition, inviting experts to educate employees enables business organizations to review their goals and objectives in regard to their current operations. In so doing, the company progressively builds a strong business code of conduct in running of a busi ness. Though the resources of the business environment may be very costly, it always helps the company to improve its status. In essence, Smart ethical decisions are very crucial to the continuity of the business as well as mastering marketing skills including finance and accounting. Ethical conduct needs an understanding and identification of issues associated with risks incurrence and uncertainties together with making decisions and choices pertaining to the business environment. It is very important to make economic decisions that can lead to improvement in the company’s status .The most important characteristic of the business is contentious and it has no special way of approaching and solving issues.... Companies may implement other methods of educating the employees on matters concerning decision-making in the business ethical environment. This method of training includes workshops and professional courses meant at educating workers on the ethical decision-making process. In addition, inviting experts to educate employees enables business organizations to review their goals and objectives in regard to their current operations. In so doing, the company progressively builds a strong business code of conduct in running of a business. Though the resources of the business environment may be very costly, it always helps the company to improve its status. In essence, Smart ethical decisions are very crucial to the continuity of the business as well as mastering marketing skills including finance and accounting. Ethical conduct needs an understanding and identification of issues associated with risks incurrence and uncertainties together with making decisions and choices pertaining to the business environment. It is very important to make economic decisions that can lead to improvement in the company’s status.The most important characteristic of the business is contentious and it has no special way of approaching and solving issues. It is found through research that an ethical person is of good use than an unethical rich person. Organizations that fail to achieve good ethical standards among its workforce and in their decision-making practice will most likely fail to achieve its objectives in the long run.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discuss the evidence that Phospholipase C zeta (PLC) is the primary Essay

Discuss the evidence that Phospholipase C zeta (PLC) is the primary candidate for oocyte activation - Essay Example There has to be an increase in free Ca2+ in the egg cytosol (Swann 1990). The activation process of oocytes in mammals entails a sequence of joint actions originated by distinctive calcium (Ca2+) oscillations within the cells(Markoulaki, 2004). This commences quickly after gamete union and continues past the conclusion of meiosis. Previous research conducted by a number of scholars shown that a specific isoform present in the semen of mammals is responsible for triggering the process of oocyte activation.In order to validate the evidence that PLC –Z is a primary ingredient in the oocyte activation, the paper will look at the Sperm factor model. The model suggests that during sperm–egg union, a soluble element is transferred from the semen cytosol to the ooplasm, able to trigger the 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) signaling passageway and consequent Ca2+ vacillations in inseminated eggs ( Saunders et al., 2006).This paper will establish the premise that phospholipase C zeta is the primary candidate for oocyte activation. It is important to know the structure and the functions of the PLC-zeta. All known isozymes are comprised of the catalytic X and Y purviews together with several controlling domains, comprising a pleckstrin homology (PH) purview, EF hand designs, and C2 purview in different conformations, reliant on the isozyme, where every domain executes definite functions (Nomikos et al, 2013). PLC Zeta has a structure which has the X and Y domains that is consistent with all PLC isoforms. That is, a solitary C2 purview which has four EF hand domains in tandem. However, PLC Zeta is different from other PLC isoforms because it does not have the pleckstrin homology and Src homology purviews (Cox et al., 2002). Therefore, the lack of those two homologies makes PLC Zeta to appear very small. They have a mass of 70 kDa in individuals and 74 kDa in rats. The figure below shows the linear structure of PLC Zeta. Fig 1.0 is a Graphic rectilinear

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Journal Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Reflection - Essay Example Museums maximize on this because positive attitudes build inside their visitors the desire and value of returning again (Black 26). This is a plus for them because of the assurance of flow of incentives. A negative experience is when my English teacher chose me for a presentation during a symposium in our school which was attended by neighboring schools. I was a freshman and the ten minutes duration seemed very long. Fear engulfed me causing me to terribly shake in front of a huge and expectant crowd, despite I being a smart student. This happened because of lack of self-confidence and courage as I had never been exposed to such a large gathering. However, had I composed myself and risen above my fear, the presentation would have greatly been successful. From this, I learnt that public speech requires putting scripts in order and assuming eye contact with the crowd in front. It is good to record few points for a good flow of ideas during the presentation. Successful and failed academic experiences have taught me great opportunities students have that can spur them to greater heights. It is therefore important to be ready as a good student in the future since that can be my only chan ce for stepping into another

Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Knowledge Management - Essay Example My personal knowledge management plan is as follows: Social dimension objective: My social dimension objective is identifying daily contacts that I can improve upon with use of networking, collaboration, or by engaging in productive dialogue in order to produce enhanced work relationships and work productivity (Wright, 5). Social dimension action plan: My social dimension action plan is to have more focused contact with different departments that I frequently interact with as an HR Generalist. By targeting problem areas with each department I deal with, it should improve the availability of knowledge in a way that can benefit the organization. A few departments that I interact with would include payroll, operations line managers, the information technology department, and my fellow HR colleagues. I plan to do this part of my action plan on as close to a daily basis as possible. Information dimension objective: My information dimension objective is to improve my use of information technology to improve work productivity. This could be through informational analyzing, organization, aggregation, or communication (Wright, 4). Information dimension action plan: My information dimension action plan is to identify one or more areas at my work over the next three weeks that could be improved through information technology. This will involve analyzing the current method of doing work, and in proposing improvements where appropriate. Analytical action plan: My analytical action plan involves reflecting on the decision-making process, and attempting to see how to generate ideas along with general interpretation or analysis. I plan to do this after each entry in my personal knowledge journal. Learning dimension objective: My learning dimension objective is to enhance the way I approach processing knowledge or learning. Learning can be by intuition, reflection, resource development, process improvements,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk and profitability analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk and profitability analysis - Coursework Example Commercial banking is another kind of service offered by the bank which includes Credit and lending, International trade and receivables finance, Payments and cash management, Insurance and investment, GB&M. Global banking and markets is another verticals of services provided by the banks which comprises of Global markets and Global banking. The bank provides another domain of services like Global private banking which involves Private banking, Investment management and Private trust solutions (HSBC, 2012, pp. 60-61). Lloyds provides a range of products and services financial services which involves Debt capital markets, structured finance, Working capital finance, Private equity, Trade and supply chain finance, Terms loans and overdraft. Risk management service is another vertical of the bank which comprises of Inflation linked solutions, Interest rate risk management solutions, Commodities market related solutions, Foreign exchange related solutions, and Additional risk related ser vices. ... Other verticals of services of the bank are Private banking and Business banking and corporate banking (RBS, 2012). B. Profitability and Risk Analysis of Four Banks HSBC:-It is a British multinational bank and also a financial service company which has it’s headquarter in London, UK. It is one of the largest bank is the world. It has earned $20.64 billion in 2012 and profit of $14.02 billion. HSBC Profitability Ratios 2009 2010 2011 2012 Return on equity capital 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.08 return on assets 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 net interest margin 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 net non interest margin 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 net bank operating margin 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 earning per share 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.08 From the above table we can see that return on equity capital has increased over the period of time from 2009 to 2010 to 2011.But in 2012 it has decreased slightly. Overall position of ROE was quite high. Return on assets was low continuously which means net income over total assets was quite low. Net interest margin remained stable during the period. Net non interest margin increased in 2010 from 2009 and then remain stable. Net bank operating margin was low. Earnings per share have improved during the period with exception in 2012. Overall profitability ratios for HSBC were remaining stable for the period of four years. credit risk measure 2009 2010 2011 2012 total loans/total deposits 0.97 0.92 1.18 1.24 provision for loan losses/total loan 0.11 0.06 0.03 0.02 liquidity risk measure 2009 2010 2011 2012 net loans/total assets 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.15 purchased funds/total assets 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 cash assets and govt. securities/total assets 0.39 0.38 0.40 0.40 interest rate risk

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Brief History of Economics Essay Example for Free

A Brief History of Economics Essay Through his use of dialectical materialism, Marx not only changed the history of economic thought, but found great illumination for himself regarding the bonds of human society. The concept that seems relatively simple in today’s complex economic world was utterly revolutionary in the time of Marx: people develop their ideas about the world (and thereby, their ideas for how society should be organized and stratified) based on the material aspects of their lives. It was an elegant extension of basic Marxist theory: capitalism, according to Marx, is interested in offering naked materialism as a kind of booby prize to make up for the means of production being taken away from the people. If the people can no longer work for themselves and no longer work at perfecting their own craft as individuals, then, as Marx correctly deduced, people would require something to validate their work. This became the center of capitalism, as Marx understood it: materialism exists as a kind of justification for capitalism, and since materialism has permeated our culture to such an extreme degree, eventually social orders began to revolve around it. Hence, what capitalism serves as the cause of what Marx saw as nothing less than ongoing class warfare. It is interesting to note that Marx believed a violent revolution on the part of the proletariat was not simply a possible method of changing things, but actually served as the only method of changing things. This is because materialism was so embedded into class structures (which, in turn, was so embedded in power structures), and the only way for society to functionally survive was for it to become overturned completely. It is also interesting to note the ongoing effect that Marx has had on philosophic thought: materialism had previously been dislodged by Descartes and the famous declaration â€Å"I think, therefore I am;† as far as most people who pondered these things could conclude, thought preceded matter. However, Marx not only brought materialism to the philosophic forefront—the then-controversial idea that material preceded thought—but illustrated the notion that the abstractions of materialism had been concretized by capitalism into purchasable goods. 2: Marx and the Secret Source of Profit Perhaps the most enduring notion of Marx’s is the so-called secret of the source of profit under a capitalistic society†¦though such is Marx’s legacy of intellectual thought, a great many people simply accept this notion as reality: the source of profit is the surplus value that an employer gains from laborers. After all, the means of production have been taken from the people: skilled artisan cobblers have been replaced by factory line workers churning out shoe after shoe after shoe. The money saved by employing this assembly-line method of industrial production becomes pure profit for the employer. Interestingly, Marx tethered this to his own theories on circulating capital—that is, something that does not last, and is used up in the production of other goods and services, in direct opposition to fixed capital, which is traditionally held for over a year by a business or institution. Marx astutely deduced that the distinction between these concepts is not only relative, but arbitrary: the idea that capital held for 365 days is circulating and that capital held for 366 days is fixed is absurd. However, it allows the proletariat to essentially gloss over their own necessity to the entire institution of capitalism: they are led to believe that society is held up by the fixed capital of major investors and their long-term investments. In reality, society is held aloft by the ongoing purchases of the common man (and woman): their disposable income is burned off to provide them a sense that capitalism is worth it†¦it turn, their disposable income is used to make the rich richer, as the cliche goes, all the way up the capitalist pyramid. In Marx’s view, this is one of many ways that those in power forestall the seemingly unavoidable class war that he advocates: those with power—the purchasing power of the common man—are convinced they have none, and are bought off with trinkets. It is interesting to note that this echoes the master/slave morality inversion of Nietzsche. 3: Marginalists and the Economy In the evolution of economic theory, the impact of marginalism cannot be overstated. Once one had accepted the blunt realities of Marx—specifically, that society was organized based on the perceived value of items—the logical question remained: how does one quantify the value of an item? Marginalism illustrated the diminishing returns on the marginal utility of resold products, which dramatically impacted analysis of capitalist economy, the focus of economic analysis, and theories of value and distribution. Regarding the analysis of capitalist economy, marginalism helped solidify the supply and demand notion of economics as that of mainstream economic thought, as opposed to the labor theory of value espoused by Karl Marx. To put it mildly, this has had ongoing economic effects for the last century and a half. The focus of economic analysis shifted accordingly, as marginalism interacted with price theory: this allowed economics to project demand curves utilizing marginal rates of substitution as a means of determining not only when, but why a seller is willing to relinquish a product for a particular price. Perhaps one of the most lasting effects of marginalism on economic thought has been its effect on theories of value and distribution. With the previous measures in place, economists (as well as common people) now had a more-or-less accurate measure of determining the value of any given product in any given social context. Of course, this also effects the ongoing distribution of certain products to certain demographics in order to maximize profitability. Interestingly, this is one of the chief criticisms of marginalism as well: that it is a vague pseudoscience whose intent is to maintain not only the economic status quo, but the appearance of the status quo. It is no surprise, then, that Marxists continue to grapple with marginalist theory: they see it as a means of keeping the proletariat in check, and preventing any uprisings from them. 4: Thorstein Veblen: Survival of the Fattest Thorstein Veblen, for better or worse, specialized in bringing the human element into economic theory. Specifically, he theorized that the institution of the leisure class was a parasite feeding upon America: upon the backs of workers who are actually productive are a class who seek only profit and produce nothing but waste. He essentially created and popularized the notion of conspicuous consumption as the epitome of this theory: that wealthy individuals spend large amounts of money on ostentatious goods whose sole benefit is to publicly display their wealth to the world. Unfortunately, this has become an integral part of the economy: although an engineer might weep at the man spending over a hundred thousand dollars for a car, the American economy would be crippled if conspicuous consumption vanished overnight. Hence, the parasite metaphor: conspicuous consumption and naked profit helps the wealthy to bloat themselves on the backs of the poor until the entire enterprise inevitably crumbles under its own weight. Veblen perceived quite clearly that human notions about the world are social constructs created by individuals, and as time went on, those notions would change, necessitating a change in economic thought as well. He makes frequent comparisons to evolution to further this end: idle curiosity spurs innovation, innovation spurs conflict between the old guard and the innovators, and an economic Darwinism is born. The advent of industry and technological revolutions merely expanded his original point: the parasitic relationship continued unabated, as the innovations of the productive engineer class were inevitably utilized as means of conspicuous consumption and waste on the part of the leisure class. Planes are developed as a result of idle curiosity, for instance, but it is the leisure class that necessitates the invention of first class as a way of displaying their own status in the social hierarchy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparing Oxygen Levels to Heart Rate Recovery and Peak Time

Comparing Oxygen Levels to Heart Rate Recovery and Peak Time Research Question How do different concentrations of oxygen provided to the respiratory system affect the heart rate and thus a subjects  athletic capabilities? Introduction Firstly, it is important to investigate how the bodys respiratory system functions. The lungs have two primary functions, releasing carbon dioxide from the body and integrating oxygen into the bloodstream 3. The lungs never reach peak capacity and are not responsible for the limitation in oxygen delivered to the muscles 1. This is important because, in the case of this experiment the limitations may be reached. There is always approximately the same amount of oxygen in the air in relation to everything else: 21%. However  as altitude increases there is less air pressure and thus less oxygen available to the lungs per diaphragm contraction cycle. Instead of changing the barometric pressure, there will simply be less or more oxygen in the air, in this experiment. This may cause an abnormal result as the body responds differently to drastically altered conditions. When the oxygen content of the air is drastically reduced, the blood will most likely be significantly less saturated and when the oxygen content of the air is drastically increased the blood should be more saturated with oxygen 2. It is then necessary to investigate how this might affect the cardiac system. The amount of oxygen that is available to the cells while they are producing ATP  to drive the body is important, because if there is not enough oxygen available for aerobic respiration, than  anaerobic respiration will take place. Anaerobic respiration will produce lactate and carbon dioxide. The lactate (lactic acid), triggers a response from the sympathetic nervous system1, 2. The noradrenergic sympathetic nervous system produces norepinephrine. The SA node (sinoatrial node), stimulated by the norepinephrine hormone increases both the rate that the heart beats and the degree to which the heart completes a systolic contraction 1,2. In addition to the sympathetic nervous system, the medulla senses the increase of carbon dioxide in the blood due to anaerobic respiration. The medulla then sends an electrical signal through the cardiac nerve to the SA node2. A live O2 machine will be used in order to carry out this experiment. It produces and stores 15% oxygen and 95% oxygen separately. These will be the two concentrations of oxygen that will be used to compare the times it takes for heart rates to peak and then recover. The independant  variable is the concentration of Oxygen. The dependant  variable is the time it takes for the subject to peak and the time it takes for the subject to recover. The experiment will be controlled by regulating the speed at which the treadmill is set to. Since the point of this experiment is to compare differences  the difference in the individuals athletic ability should not make a difference in the data. Materials Live O2 Machine Oxygen mask Treadmill Heart rate/oxygen saturation monitor Clorox and paper towels Timer Experimental Overview The Live O2 machine which will be used to create, store and deliver the two different concentrations of oxygen is comprised of an oxygen machine, storage bag with two compartments, a delivery system with a mask and a switch to change which concentration of oxygen is being delivered. The picture above, depicting the live  O2 system is the one that was used, except a treadmill was used  instead of a stationary bike as is depicted. The test subjects heart rate peak times and recovery times were first tested with the increased level of oxygen, they were then given a period of rest while another subject ran on the treadmill. Then, after the period of rest the subject would run on the treadmill again and their peak and recovery times would be measured with the restricted levels of oxygen. The threshold for the heart rate peaking was 140 bpm. The threshold for recovered was when the heart rate of the subject was within 10 of their original resting heart rate. For example, if the test subjects resting heart rate was 65 bpm, they would be considered recovered when their heart rate dropped back below 75. Procedure Step 1 First 8  willing people were found, who were athletically fit enough that there would not be any damage to their body through the testing. Then the 8  people were instructed not to drink any sort of caffeine or any other stimulant before the experiment. The mask of the live  O2 machine was cleaned with clorox  and the oxygen machine was turned on to fill up the two individual bags. Step 2 Then the resting heart rate of the subject was taken with the heart rate monitor. Ten was added to the resting number to determine the threshold that the heart rate must reach during recovery to determine whether or not the subject has recovered. The heart rate monitor was left on the subjects  finger to monitor their heart rate, Then  the oxygen was set to the 95% setting and the treadmill was set to 5 miles per hour. Then, once the subject was at 5 miles per hour the timer was started and the subject was instructed  to hold the mask to their face. The timer was stopped once the subjects heart rate reached 140 bpm. Then the treadmill was stopped and the subject was instructed to keep the mask on. Then the time it took for their heart rate to return to the predetermined resting rate was measured. Step 3 The first subject was then given rest while subject 2 performed step 2. Once subject 2 was done with step 2, subject 1 repeated step 2 with 15% oxygen instead of 95% oxygen followed again by subject 2. The mask was cleaned with clorox  between each subject. Step 4 Steps 1-3 were repeated with the remained of the test subjects and the data was recorded in a table within the lab book. Safety considerations Since this lab works with the human body and measuring its responses to what could be considered  strenuous situations, there must be precautions taken. Firstly, all of the subjects that were tested, were either in good or exceptional physical condition and had no preexisting health complications that would endanger them during the experiment. To further ensure that there was no physical harm done to the subjects, the subjects saturation was constantly monitored with the heart rate/oxygen saturation monitor. If at any point during the 15% oxygen test the saturation dipped too low (below 85% saturation) and remained there for more than a couple seconds then the 95% oxygen would immediately been switched on and that round of testing would be terminated and the subject time to rest. The mask that was being used was also constantly cleaned with clorox  to prevent the spreading of germs. Analysis Qualitative variables The two main variables that may have affected the data were: the heart rate monitor and the oxygen mask. The fact that the subject had to hold the monitor on their finger and the mask while running made the heart rate monitor slightly inaccurate and sometimes would simply not take readings. It only worked when the subject was holding onto it and this disrupted their normal running patterns. Some subjects also had trouble holding the mask to their face with enough force to hold a seal while running. This may have let some of the natural air into the mask. Holding the mask also inhibited the subjects natural running pattern. The fact that the subjects natural running pattern was inhibited made it harder for them to keep a normal running pace even with the treadmill set at a constant 5 miles per hour. Having to control all of these things at once may have also added to the strain on the subjects body, which could have affected the results. Then finally, there is also the fact that every one that was being tested was different in their biological makeup and therefore will respond slightly differently to the two concentrations of oxygen. Data Complete Peak and Recovery times (in seconds) run: 95% Oxygen Peak times (s) 95% Oxygen Recovery time (s) 15% Oxygen Peak times (s) 15% Oxygen Recovery time (s) 1 187 45 62 185 2 180 56 52 102 3 200 64 40 188 4 181 69 39 73 5 153 71 36 123 6 108 52 60 201 7 181 21 56 133 8 144 61 27 177 This table displays each run and the times in seconds associated with it. The runs where the higher concentration of oxygen (95%) was used are displayed first, on the left. The runs where the lower concentration of oxygen (15%) was used are displayed second, on the right. The peak times (the time it takes for the subjects heart rate to reach 140 bpm from resting) are displayed in the 2nd and 4th column and the recovery times (the time it takes for a subjects heart rate to go from 140 bpm back to within 10 of resting) are displayed in the 3rd and 5th column. This bar graph displays the average recovery times and peak times for the two different levels of oxygen concentration. The recovery times are listed at the top and the peak times are listed at the bottom. Average Difference in Peak and Recovery time in seconds Peak time (s) Recovery time (s) Difference 120.25 92.875 This table displays the difference between the average peak time of the 95% and 15% oxygen concentration. As well as the difference between the average recovery time of the 95% oxygen and the 15% oxygen concentrations. Evaluation Conclusion of results There is a clear difference between the times for the two different concentration of oxygen. When the subject was administered 95% oxygen their peak times took an average of 166.75 seconds, while when the average peak time when only 15% oxygen concentration was administered was 46.5 seconds. This is a difference of 120.25 seconds, so clearly when a subject is administered more oxygen it provides more oxygen for the system, this allows the body to stay out of anaerobic respiration longer and thus allows the heart to beat slower for a greater amount of time. The difference seen in recovery times was also significant. On average, with the higher 95% oxygen concentration the subjects recovered around 54.875 seconds. However when the subjects were administered the lower concentration of oxygen the recovery times took much longer, averaging out at 147.75 seconds. The difference was 92.875 seconds. This occurred because when the body was already deprived of oxygen and the saturation was low there was a large amount of carbon dioxide and lactic acid build up from anaerobic respiration. Then, after the subject stopped running, the low oxygen concentration most likely caused the subjects to stay in anaerobic respiration as the body tried to oxygenate the tissue. With the higher concentration of oxygen, the subjects body was able to quickly oxygenate the tissue and return the body to complete or near complete aerobic respiration. This would have stopped the build up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide and allowed the body to flush the two out of it s system. Once the lactic acid and carbon dioxide has either been absorbed or in the case of carbon dioxide, exited the lungs, the heart rate would return to resting. Therefore, the results matched what should have happened according to previous scientific research, outlined in the introduction. How the lab could be improved and extended The first thing that would be helpful would be to use a more accurate heart rate monitor. Most likely the best solution would be a heart rate monitor that could be taped to the finger being used in unison with a chest heart rate monitor. Using both of these simultaneously would ensure the best and most consistent results. In addition it would remove the responsibility from the subject of holding onto the heart rate monitor. Another issues that could be easily solved is the oxygen mask. The straps that were provided with the mask fell off very easily during running. As a result   the subjects had to hold the mask to their face as they ran. This hindered their ability to run smoothly and did not guarantee a complete seal around the face. Next time a full head cap could be used to ensure that a seal was maintained and would allow the subject to run normally. To further extend this experiment saturation rates could also be compared to heart rate and oxygen concentration. When the subjects were performing the test their saturation rates were monitored for safety reasons but not recorded. If the saturation rates could be recorded throughout the test at specific points along with the heart rate it would be interesting to look into how the saturation rates are correlated with the heart when very low and very high concentrations of oxygen are being administered to the subject. Works Cited Burton, Deborah Anne, FRCA, Keith Stokes, BSc PhD, and George M. Hall, MBBS PhD DSc FRCA. Physiological Effects of Exercise. Continuing Education in Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain. Oxford Journals, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016. Damon, Alan, Randy McGonegal, Patricia Tosto, and William Ward. Higher Level Biology. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. How Your Lungs Work. How Your Lungs Work. Cleveland Clinic, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 13 May 2016. Appendix Release forms: I, Jonas Kaare-Rasmussen understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing, could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Jonas Kaare-Rasmussen I, Jack Larsen understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Jack Larsen I, Danielle Zimber understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Danielle Zimber I, Hailey Zimber understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health complications. Electronically signed by: Hailey Zimber I, Alex Kellam understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Alex Kellam I, Taso Warsa understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Taso Warsa I, Ben Voter understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Ben Voter I, Alex Alsop understand that the experiment I am involved in and the tasks that I am performing could be dangerous for my health. I assume all liability for my actions and understand that slight Oxygen deprivation may cause health problems. Electronically signed by: Alex Alsop

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Private Hospitals for Undergraduate Medical Training

Private Hospitals for Undergraduate Medical Training Private Hospitals for undergraduate medical training an untapped resource in Ireland. Introduction Undergraduate medical education and training is a subject of considerable importance in relation to the quality of learning and teaching opportunities for students, and the ability of the learning environments to support the development of clinical skills and knowledge, professional practice and patient-focused high quality care delivery. The Irish context presents a particular challenge due to changes in the organisation and delivery of medical care into two distinct sectors, private or public, which alters the opportunities offered for medical student experience and focuses services in different ways. While the acute care sector (public) is the one in which most medical students train, it is apparent that there are opportunities to be gained from utilising private hospital and medical locations as well, in order to expose medical students to the widest possible and available medical expertise. However, the quality of the experience in such locations may be questionable, and the ran ge of experiences available may be severely limited A review of the literature pertaining to the title will demonstrate some of the key issues around this topic, drawing on literature from the UK and internationally, due to the commonalities in medical education structure, form and pedagogy that are found globally, and in particular, referring to the UK model as being the one which dominates still even in the Irish medical education sector. Discussion Due to changes in the healthcare structure in Ireland private, there has been a split in the way that doctors provide acute medical and surgical care services. Within Ireland in the healthcare model which has evolved, there are now public only or private only contracts for consultants, meaning that consultants cannot work across both sectors. Prior to this change, a doctor could work across both sectors, meaning that while they could engage in the public sector work that is the meat and drink of medicine and surgery, most consultants made their money in private hospitals, leaving their NCHD team to do their public work. However, the challenges this change poses for the way in which medical education is delivered in Ireland have not really been picked up on in the literature, and so an exploration of pertinent literature, in the light of the author’s contextual knowledge, is important, to explore this impact and to appreciate the scope and opportunities inherent within the new structure. There is some evidence that the changes to medical education, whilst global, are very real in the Irish context. The issues affecting medical education include â€Å"increasing service demands on clinical teachers, the need for shared teaching among different health-related disciplines, the need to incorporate modern educational principles and technologies, adapting to changing societal views of health and disease and the demand for health professionals to be more accountable.†[1] Issues such as professionalism and widening understanding of diversity are inherent in these issues. What this suggests, among other things, is that in order to make best use of the existing resources, areas still untapped need to be accessed, and at the same time, the way that medical ‘education’ is delivered needs to evolve.[2] Up until the present day, the private hospitals have not really been involved in med education. However, now they are currently making associations with universities who are eager to tap this resource, in order to make use of the private hospital setting for clinical experiences for medical students (and other healthcare students). It could be posited that these hospital present a hitherto untapped resource, full of opportunities, but also as a point of great scope for development of new ways of thinking about and providing more appropriate forms of education. As a public private system becomes more defined we need to start using the private sector to teach medical students. This is particularly important as there have been, recently, significant increases in the numbers of medical students[3], with public sector hospitals overwhelmed by medical student numbers, exacerbated by graduate entry into medicine adding to the larger and more diverse pool.[4] This may be affecting the qualit y of their learning, and also the quality of care provision.[5] There are, however, challenges, because as an unused resource, and an untested learning environemtn, there are not the internal resources, skills, systems and the like already in existence to support the influx of medical students. Similarly, there are lots of new private hospitals opening that are not used for teaching, and these hospitals are not equipped for teaching. This is something to bear in mind, and there is a need to identify the requirements of a hospital being equipped for medical student teaching and learning. Basic needs would be structural, such as the provision of a student centre, student accessible IT services, student support, changing rooms, training laboratories, and the like. Some of the major concerns are that private hospitals not equipped and did not make considerations for medical student education at the design phase, meaning that making them primary locations for medical student clinical experience could be very challenging and costly. There is also the issue private patients may not welcome students, particularly as they have paid for their care and so want complete control over it. This may mean students being excluded from key experiences. However, all patients in public sector healthcare have the option to not have students present, so this may not be insurmountable, but it would require rewriting protocols, mission statements, and the like to include an educational component. Another concern is the fact that private hospitals have not yet got to the same level of provision or range of clinical disciplines as public ones. For example, very few have intensive care departments, full time 24/7 consultant cover, emergency departments or major trauma units. Therefore the casemix of patients is elective, and limited, and students if only placed in private hospitals, will not be exposed to emergency. However, the contrary is also true as public teaching hospitals are now getting less elective patients for routine surgeries such as cholecystectomies and hernias. There is evidence to suggest that the relevance of the training medical students receive is of some importance to the quality of their experience and their future skills.[6] There could, therefore, be an argument for cross-sector placements, on rotation, with students doing different placements in different hospitals. This may have the advantage of exposing students to a wider socio-cultural mix of patient s as well as a wider pool of medical expertise, both of which may be of significance in the requirements of medical staff in the current climate.[7] Certainly, there is an emergence of a need to develop more creative approaches to clinical medical education which address the social and societal issues affecting health and illness as well as the medical knowledge itself.[8] This is evident in the emergence of debate around professionalism and professionalisation/socialisation of medical students into their profession, but also into the wider healthcare workforce. While traditionally, medicine has enjoyed a hegemonic position with near godlike autonomy[9], things have changed and new ways of viewing the medical profession have emerged. This has included a demand for more transparent, ethical practice, for doctors to view patients as individuals within their personal, social context, and the need for doctors to demonstrate respect for others, teamworking skills, and more self-awareness and increased awareness of social responsibility.[10] It also includes the reflexivity and awareness required to underpin the development of clinical decision making and problem solving skills, in general, and in application to particular disciplines and cases.[11] These notions of professionalism and reducing the divide between physician and patient are deemed important fo r the profession, as long as professional standards are also maintained.[12] This is where the challenge seems to reside, in providing medical students in Ireland with the scope to develop their professional knowledge and skills, along with the development of themselves, and their professional role, across two radically different healthcare provision domains.[13] Yet the research shows that it is the quality of the clinical or practical experience that medical students have which affects both aspects of their development, their clinical skills and their professionalism.[14] Medical education has moved away from the didactic forms that have characterised it for centuries towards a more interactive, student-centred type of training, although not as far as the other healthcare professions have.[15] Therefore, developing the private sector provision could serve a number of purposes, not just providing a useful place for the runoff of extra students currently flooding the public sector h ospitals. It could provide the opportunities for students to be assessed in skills and attributes relevant to each sector, as well as each individual case they are addressing. This would represent a more individualised approach to medical education.[16] There is a high likelihood of a considerable amount of resistance to such a reorientation, however, because the traditional, hierarchical and hegemonic structures of the medical profession will not be easily overcome.[17] What changes there are may not be fully bedded down within the Irish healthcare sector.[18] There is also the challenge of ensuring that there are adequate clinical educators available or even employed within this sector.[19] However, it would also be important to consider the impact of a large amount of private sector clinical experience on the professional development and socialisation of medical students, because much of this occurs within the institutional setting and is affecting by that setting, by the organisational culture, and by the behaviours of others within that setting.[20] Therefore, if students are modelling themselves primarily on what they are seeing within the private sector, this exposure could be detrimental, in the long run, to their professionalism, their awareness, and the ways that the work with others.[21] The nature of medical education itself is one which may need to change, to reorient itself to a different model of teaching and learning which is more appropriate to modern day medicine[22]. â€Å"Continued efforts are needed to reduce the factual load of the curriculum.†[23] It is apparent that in the current climate, with rapid developments in science and technology applied to medicine, and the increasing speed of these developments, that delivering a didactic curriculum is not practical, and instead, medical schools need to be able to â€Å"equip students with the skills and attitudes needed to cope with rapid change and lifelong learning.†[24] This includes students learning how to learn in a self-directed, more autonomous way,[25] which would then help to overcome the differences between the sectors and support students in cross-sector working and identifying the learning and development opportunities specific to each. However, the literature shows that in Ireland (as in many other places), the nature of medical education remains quite didactic and offers only limited opportunities for students to work in alternative ways. Yet the requirement for personal and professional development has already begun to be realised in the UK and Ireland, and as such the groundwork has already been laid.[26] Similarly, literature shows that medical student learning differs depending on the clinical environment,[27] which may be related to the culture of the environment and the purpose of the medical provision,[28] and if this is the case, then a great deal of research will be needed, along with ongoing evaluation, in order to assess the impact of the use of private sector hospitals within Ireland. The literature demonstrates that new ways of learning can be developed and implemented, based on more social, interactive, collaborative models[29], such as the development of communities of practice.[30] In this case, such communities would need to span the different sectors effectively, and overcome the differences between them, but these could expand to make better use of and collaborate more effectively with the training of interprofessional colleages[31]. This raises the question of whether there are the skills, capacity and even inclination to develop medical education along such lines, a lthough the ongoing benefits of communities of practice would be exponential.[32],[33]. The need for medical students to emerge as knowledgeable professionalss with the requisite understanding and skills must not be overlooked.[34],[35] Conclusion It would appear that there is a great untapped potential in the use of private sector hospitals in the Republic of Ireland to supplement medical student education by providing clinical locations for practice-based learning. However, this learning may need to be located in a different paradigm to the traditional medical apprenticeship model that has dominated this sector to date. The private sector hospitals would need to be come part of the partnership teams with universities and public sector hospitals. They would need to develop the facilities and infrastructure to support medical students. Medical students would gain a lot from such placements, but it would appear to be best that these form part of a cross-sector rotation of placements, rather than a private setting constituting their dominant clinical learning setting. The ways in which medical students are ‘taught’ would also need to change, to become more focused on personal and professional development, self-directed learning, and on all the elements of being professional in relation to current definitions of the word, and the social expectations placed upon healthcare professionals. Research is required into how private sector hospitals can be used, how medical education is changed by this and will change the nature of these locations, and how different approaches to new pedagogies will benefit medical students overall. The impact of these changes on professionalism, and the resistance from the profession, will also need to be considered. Ultimately, private hospitals can support the current provision, but the nature of the healthcare provision in Ireland would have to be considered also in the light of international models and how it intersects with these. Anything which improves student development and the skills and capabilities of newly qualified doctors must be a positive move, but research is needed to demonstrate that this would be so. References Arnold, L. (2002) Assessing professional behaviour: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Acad Med 77 (6) 58-70. Bligh, J. (2004) More medical students, more stress in the medical education system. Medical Education 38 460-462. Chastonay, P., Brenner, F., Peel, S. and Guilbert, J-J. (1996) The need for more efficiency and relevance in medical education. Medical Education 30 235-248. Cruess, R., Cruess, S. and Johnston, S.E. (1999) Renewing professionalism: an opportunity for medicine. Acad Med 74. (8) 878-884. Currie, G. and Suhomlinova, O. (2006) The impact of institutional forces upon knowledge sharing in the UK NHS: the triumph of professional power and the inconsistency of policy. Public Administration 84 (1) 1-30. 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(2004) [23] Medical Council (2001) [24] Medical Council (ibid) [25] Dornan, T., Hadfield, J., Brown, M. et al (2005) [26] Gordon, J. (2003) [27] Worley, P., Esterman, A. and Prideaux, D. (2004) [28] Satran, L., Harris, I.B., Allen, S. et al (1993) [29] Perkins, G.D., Barrett, H., Bullock, I. et al (2005) [30] Wenger, E.C. and Snyder, W.M. (2000) [31] Lloyd Jones, M. (2005) [32] Wenger, E.C. and Snyder, W.M. (2000) [33] Nuffield Trust (2000) [34] Moercje, A.M. and Elika, B. (2002) [35] Irvine, D. (1999)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Trauma and Adult Learning Essay -- Adult Education Learning Essays

Trauma and Adult Learning Effects of Trauma on Learning Adults experiencing the effects of past or current trauma may display such symptoms as difficulty beginning new tasks, blame, guilt, concern for safety, depression, inability to trust (especially those in power), fear of risk taking, disturbed sleep, eroded self-esteem/confidence, inability to concentrate, or panic attacks (Mojab and McDonald 2001). Some people may manifest no symptoms; at the other end of the spectrum is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, characterized by flashbacks, avoidance, numbing of responsiveness (including substance abuse), persistent expectation of danger, constriction (dissociation, zoning out), and memory impairment (Isserlis 2001). It may not be readily apparent that a learner is experiencing the effects of trauma. Instead, such manifestations as missing class, avoiding tests, spacing out, and having what may be interpreted as inappropriate or extreme reactions to class discussions or activities may actually be responses to trauma. It is true that learning may be impeded by fear, anxiety, poor concentration, and the enormous energy involved in hiding abuse or struggling with immediate survival needs. However, interpretations of trauma and its effects on learning are shaped by education discourses (Horsman 1997, 2000b; Isserlis 2001). A deficit perspective suggests that the learner, not the social system, must change. A medicalizing discourse emphasizes that healing, "getting over it," must take place before learning is possible. Discourses of educational practice may view dropping out, stopping out, or spacing out/dissociating as lack of motivation or persistence rather than survival mechanisms. Discourses focu sed on outcomes and account... ...all/fob/2002/morrish.html Pearce, C. E. "Informal Learning of Homeless Women: A Feminist Study of Surviving the Everyday." In 40th Annual Adult Education Research Conference Proceedings, compiled by Amy Rose. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University, 1999. (ED 431 901) Rosenwasser, P. "Tool for Transformation: Cooperative Inquiry as a Process for Healing from Internalized Oppression." In AERC 2000: An International Conference, edited by T. Sork, V.-L. Chapman, and R. St. Clair, pp. 392-396. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2000. (ED 452 417) Williamson, B. "Learning in Extremis." In Lifelong Learning inside and outside Schools. Collected Papers, vol. 2, edited by P. Alheit et al., pp. 676-697. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University, 2000.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

evilmac Variety of Evils in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Variety of Evils in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   The tragedy Macbeth by William Shakespeare manifests a rich variety of evils, not only by the main characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, but also by the witches.    Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare interpret the main theme of the play as intertwining with evil:    While in Hamlet and others of Shakespeare's plays we feel that Shakespeare refined upon and brooded over his thoughts, Macbeth seems as if struck out at a heat and imagined from first to last with rapidity and power, and a subtlety of workmanship which has become instructive. The theme of the drama is the gradual ruin through yielding to evil within and evil without, of a man, who, though from the first tainted by base and ambitious thoughts, yet possessed elements in his nature of possible honor and loyalty. (792)    Roger Warren states in Shakespeare Survey 30 , regarding Trervor Nunn's direction of Macbeth at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1974-75, how the witches represented the evil force of   black magic:    Much of the approach and detail was carried over, particularly the clash between religious purity and black magic. Purity was embodied by Duncan, very infirm (in 1974 he was blind), dressed in white and accompanied by church organ music, set against the black magic of the witches, who even chanted 'Double, double to the Dies Irae. (283)    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" asserts that Lady Macbeth died as a result of her evil acts:    Lady Macbeth, even in her sleep, has no qualms of conscience; her remorse takes none of the tenderer forms akin to repentance, nor the weaker ones allied to fear, from the pursuit of which the tortured soul, ... ...nk. "Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972.    Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Lamb, Charles. On the Tragedies of Shakespeare. N.p.: n.p.. 1811. Rpt in Shakespearean Tragedy. Bratchell, D. F. New York, NY: Routledge, 1990.    Mack, Maynard. Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.    Warren, Roger. Shakespeare Survey 30.   N.p.: n.p., 1977. Pp. 177-78. Rpt. in Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism. Stanley Wells, ed. England: Oxford University Press, 2000.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.

Impact of Technology on Music Essay -- Term Papers Research Essays

Impact of Technology on Music The introduction to the internet in the early nineties and the creation of broadband, MP3, and the file sharing network known as â€Å"peer to peer† has completely revolutionised the music industry. A large percentage of music is today downloaded over the internet, and not bought over the counter in a record store. This essay will address the impact of new technology on music, and how music is distributed. To do this, the paper will first briefly explain the history of the digital revolution. Then it will contrast the problems and the possibilities this technology has created. Over the years, the development of new technology has caused significant changes to the world we are living in. These technological advancements affect us to different degrees and in different ways. In recent years, the development of new technology has caused significant changes to the music industry. For three quarters of a century, records were made by a process now known as analogue recording. This process was replaced by digital recording in 1976. The initial advantage of digital recording was that it offered a more accurate way to reproduce sound. A few years later, in 1983, the compact disc was invented and it was now possible to store digital sound on a digital medium. This was widely thought of as the completion of the digital revolution (Teachout, 2002). The birth of the CD wasn’t the end of the digital revolution. There were bigger and more important innovations in the horizon. The evolution of the internet was on its way, and the possibilities of this medium were almost unlimited (Sutherland, 2004). The development of the internet, broadband, MP3, and then the different ways to share music with each other create... .... (2004). The RIAA is behind the times. Retrieved 14.9, 2004, from Green, H. (2004). Downloads: The Next Generation; Music merchants are trying new ways to make an honest buck off the Internet. Business Week, 1(3870), 64. (2004). more than 2.6 billion files are downloaded illigaly per month. Retrieved 16.9, 2004, from RIAA. (2004). What the RIAA is Doing About Piracy. Retrieved 14.9, 2004, from Sherman, C. (2000). Napster: Copyright killer or distribution hero? Online, 24(6), 8. Sutherland, J. (2004). Business Objects and the Evolution of the Internet. Retrieved 16.9, 2004, from Teachout, T. (2002). Why listening will never be the same. Commentary, 1 14(2), 4.